Congratulations to Moisés Silva who just won the Panamerican Surfing Games 2024 in Punta Rocas, Lima, Peru.

In great form, yesterday, the young Chilean beat Sócrates Santana and Diego Gomes, both from Brazil and the favorites to win, and Edwin Nuñez from Panama, taking the title home after 8 years of absence.

With the best score of the final (a 7.67 points), Moisés Silva went straight to the first place of the podium, leaving Sócrates Santana in second, Diego Gomes in third, and Edwin Nuñez in fourth.

“I’m very happy with the outcome. All the riders were top level during all rounds of the competition, so I knew I had to perform on a high level in the final to get the win. I did my best and waited for the best waves. I’m super happy everything went my way and I was able to win. Thank you all for the support, I’m super motivated and let’s go for more!”, said the champ.

The ladies finalists are already known (Luz Marie Grande – Puerto Rico; Maíra Viana – Brazil; Beatriz Arleo – Colombia; Maylla Venturin  – Brazil) and will compete for the gold medal in a couple hours.

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